Our team is composed of diverse and complementary profiles, with a common interest:
the environment and sustainable development of the Mediterranean by 2050.
Pascal Bergeret worked as a senior engineer in the French Ministry of Agriculture. He was the director of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (2013 - 2021), one of the four institutes belonging to the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM). During his tenure as director, he led or participated in various works related to agriculture, territorial development, and food systems in the Mediterranean. He contributed to the animation of a network of 13 CIHEAM member countries dedicated to the monitoring of cereal markets. He participated in the coordination of the chapter dedicated to water and food security of the Blue Plan report on the environment and development of the Mediterranean (RED 2019). He also coordinated the drafting of a CIHEAM report on the impact of COVID-19 on food security in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. He participated in institutional strengthening missions for the benefit of the Tunisian Agricultural Research and Higher Education Institution and the Egyptian Agricultural Research Center. Pascal Bergeret is currently practicing as a senior engineer at the Regional Exective Office for Food, Agriculture and Forests of Occitanie, in charge of international and climate-change adaptation strategies for agriculture in times of climate change.
Ministry of Agriculture, France
Alberto Cappato is Director of Innovation, Development and Sustainability at Porto Antico of Genoa. He holds a PhD in Engineering and Economics of Transport, Professor of Economics and Business from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genoa. He is the Vice President of the IIC-International Institute of Communications and Chairman of the Tourism Commission of Confindustria from 2013 to 2020. He has also been a consultant to several international organizations including Plan Bleu, with whom he produced a foresight report on cruising and yachting (2011), and worked on the 2005 Foresight Report. He is an expert in regional planning, regional economy and transport economy.
Porto Antico of Genoa
Dr. Wolfgang Cramrer is a geographer, ecologist, modeler of global ecosystem dynamics. He is a Director of Research (at the French National Center for Scientific Research - CNRS) at the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE). Since 1992, he has had different responsibilities within the IPCC (Nobel Peace Prize 2007, Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity 2022), and is currently Lead Author for the 6th assessment report. He co-coordinates the MedECC with Joël Guiot, and is co-editor in chief of the journal Regional Environmental Change. He is also co-chair of the French National Committee on Global Change and is a member of the French Academy of Agriculture.
Wolfgang CRAMER
MedECC Network
Christine Voiron-Canicio is a professor of geography at the University of Côte d'Azur (Nice) and a researcher in the ESPACE Joint Research Unit (Study of Structures, Adaptation Processes and Spatial Changes), which works on issues of foresight and anticipation of change. She directed this laboratory for eleven years and led research on changes, in connection with two main themes: the sustainability of territories (coastal, urban, littoral) and the anticipation of territorial changes. These two themes combined resonate with the issue of territorial resilience. Specialisation of the Laboratory and her work: implementation of methodologies to anticipate changes in spatial systems at different scales, to simulate the long-term impacts of programmed actions, to assist in the ecological and territorial transition. Co-founder of a "Geoprospective" approach: anticipating the possible futures of the analysed systems (at the level of ecosystems and anthropic systems: cities, regions, coastal areas, etc.) with the specificity of always putting forward the spatial dimension of the analysed phenomena at all levels of the approach: diagnosis, scenarios (spatialized first and foremost), modelling (spatially explicit and co-constructed with the territory's actors and stakeholders), and finality (preparing territories for sustainability, the aim of all territorial development). The goal of this method is to find the potentialities of adaptability of territories to changes, with a view to resilience and improvement in the long term. Scales: national level, PACA region, Mediterranean hydrosystem.
University Côte d'Azur
Jérémie Fosse is an international strategist on sustainable development, more specifically on the green and blue economy, supporting the transition to sustainability for organizations, cities and territories in Europe, the Mediterranean and worldwide. He is co-founder and president of Eco-union, an independent environmental NGO that aims to promote the socio-ecological transition towards sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean region. He has a Msc degree in Industrial Engineering from INSA Lyon (France) and an executive MBA from ESADE Business School (Spain).
Jérémie FOSSE
Eco-Union, Global Eco Forum
CNRS researcher at the University of Aix-Marseille (CEREGE laboratory), Joël Guiot works on climate change and its impacts on Mediterranean ecosystems. He pilots, with Wolfgang Cramer, the Report of the Mediterranean Network of Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC), whose main partners are Plan Bleu and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). Participated in the last Blue Plan State of the Environment and Development Report.
Marie de Lattre-Gasquet holds a PhD in economics and management from the University of Paris X and is an auditor at the graduate institute for science and technology studies (IHEST). She is currently a researcher at CIRAD with the CNRS-CIRAD-Universities of Montpellier and Perpignan "ART-Dev". Her work focuses on 3 fields: conflicts in land use and food security on a global and national scale; science and trust; and foresight methods. In addition to this, she serves as a representative in the PROSPER network, the Futuribles association, GEMDEV, secretary of the CIRAD Scientific Council, acting secretary of the INRAE-CIRAD-Ifremer-Ird Ethics Committee and is a member of the CIRAD Ethics Committee. She co- hosts the PROSPER network, which brings together foresight experts and project managers in public research. She is vice-president of the Futuribles association and is a member of the French Agriculture Academy.
Professor of Zoology at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Associate professor at CNR-IAS, Genoa, and at the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Napoli. As a representative of CoNISMa in the European Marine Board, Mr. Boero contributed to Navigating the Future IV and Navigating the Future V. He was appointed by the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies for the preparation of : Marine Sustainability in an Age of Changing Oceans and Seas; and Future of the Ocean: Impact of Human Activities on Marine Systems. Coordinator of the Ocean of Tomorrow CoCoNet project: a programme on marine protected area networks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the feasibility of offshore wind farms (involving 22 states on 3 continents).
Research interests: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, Marine Conservation, Evolution, Citizen Science, Science Communication.
Special honours: The Great Albert 1st Medals for Oceanography from the Institut Océanographique de Paris. Medal of the National Academy of Sciences of Italy for Physics and Natural Sciences. Tridente d'Oro.
Ferdinando BOERO
University Federico II of Naples
Founder and Director Emeritus of the Ecologic Institute and President of the Ecologic Institute US. Non-Executive Director of the Fundação Oceano Azul, Andreas is also Chairman of Agora Energiewende, and Senior Fellow of the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), a visiting assistant professor of Political Science and adjunct professor of German Studies at Duke University, and adjunct professor at the EADA Business School. He is also the initiator and facilitator of the Arctic Summer College. His research focuses on the role and functions of science policy institutes in theory and practice in different political systems, the interactions between policy fields and international relations, and global governance on environment, resources, climate and energy. R. Andreas Kraemer is the manager of the Konrad von Moltke Fund and co-chair of the investment committee of ÖkoWorld, which defines the global investment criteria for the ethical and green investment fund Ökovision, as well as a member of the advisory board of The Arctic Institute, and a member of the professional committee of the master's course on "Strategic Sustainability Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde (HNE Eberswalde).
Andreas R. KRAEMER
Ecologic Institute
Professor of Regional Development Economics at the University of the Aegean, Lesbos Island, Greece. Directs the Observatory of Sustainable Tourism of the World Tourism Organization in the Aegean sea. Two main axes: tourism and islands, and uses foresight systemic analysis in his work. Regional Advisor to the North Aegean Region. Participated in several of Plan Bleu's reports: 'Towards a territory and a quality label for sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean', 'Economic evaluation of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean'.
Université d'Egée
Stella Tsani is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Ioannina, Greece. She holds a PhD in Economics and Business from the University of Reading, UK. She is one of the 39 new members, first one from Greece, selected on the grounds of the excellence of their scientific research and the demonstrated societal engagement to join the Global Young Academy in June 2022 for a tenure of five years. Stella has acted as an expert member of the Body of Knowledge, start-up mentor and trainer for the Cross-KIC (EIT Food, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Climate, EIT Raw Materials) initiative “Finding innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe”, and as scientific coordinator for national and European projects. She is the lead editor of the Handbook of Sustainable Politics and Economics of Natural Resources. Stella has more than 10 years of professional experience with multi-sectoral networks across the knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation). Her work applies economic methods and tools to address questions related to sustainable development, public policy assessment, sovereign wealth management (Sovereign Wealth Funds), natural resources with focus on renewables, hydrocarbons and water, Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus, institutions, labour markets, technology innovation, economy energy and environmental modeling, and scenario analysis. Her publications appear in leading economics peer reviewed journals and in edited volumes. Stella contributes to the public dialogue and science communication with publications in the media and with participation in public dissemination events.
Stella TSANI
Université d’Ioannina
Agricultural economist, specialised in agricultural and rural public policies in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. His research focuses mainly on rural development, the governance of natural resources, most particularly on rural properties and land ownership in Maghreb countries. He was appointed as Senior Scientific Officer at CIHEAM in 2005, and exercised as a professor-researcher. Has long been associated with the work of Plan Bleu, on topics such as food, climate change, socio-economic and geopolitical transformations, connected to sustainable development, agriculture and rural development. He participated in several foresight exercises (notably the Blue Plan foresight report in 2005, a thematic focus on the rural world in 2009). He also contributed to the writing of several chapters of the last Blue Plan State of the Environment and Development Report.
Formerly CIHEAM
Güzel Yucel Gier has over 15 years of practical experience in aquaculture. She is the deputy Director of the Turkish Agricultural Bank, Aquaculture Department. She is a researcher and Associate Professor in the Living Marine Resources Program at the Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey. Focus areas: carrying capacity modeling, environmental impact assessment of aquaculture and its integration in coastal zone management, recent mapping of posidonia oceanica. Participation in national and international projects, notably with IUCN and the FAO on aquaculture in marine ecosystems. Drafted guidelines on sustainable aquaculture, environmentally friendly aquaculture, aquaculture zoning.
Güzel Yucel GIER
Institut des Sciences Technologiques et Marines
Samir Grimes teaches marine ecosystem conservation and integrated coastal zone management at ENSSMAL (École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral), Algiers. Leads a research team working on the interactions between environment and marine biodiversity, including the effects of climate change and the risk related to invasive species. Participated in foresight projects, notably with the PAP-RAC Center (Split) between 2002 and 2005 on the foresight of the Algerian region, then the sustainability analysis for the Moroccan Coastal Planning Program in 2011. Today, he ensures the consolidation of the report on the state and future of the environment in Algeria. Has worked on blue economy projects, maritime spatial planning (MSP), integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as well as the relationship between climate change and tourism in the South and East Mediterranean, IMAP (coastal zone monitoring) program, WestMed initiative on blue economy. He permits the integration of reflections on hybrid threats, including conflicts, illegal migrations, crises (such as the Covid-19 health crisis), to questions on living resources and ecosystem services.
École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de la Mer et de l’Aménagement du Littoral (ENSSMAL)
Scientific Advisor to the European Environment Agency’s Executive Director, Ronan Uhel brings a trans-disciplinary professional experience in information and knowledge organisation in support of environmental and climate policies, at European and global levels, with systems analysis and issues of sustainability transitions at their core. Blending socio-ecological systems analysis and principles of ecological economics guided most of his assessments-related tasks, over thirty years of professional servicing to EU policies. From several senior managerial positions and responsibilities and interfacing between science and policy to serve multi-level governance, his motto is that active networking and collaborations are essential conditions to favour stakeholders’ involvement in co-creation.
Ronan UHEL
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Arnau Queralt Bassa is the Director of the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS), a section of the Presidential Department of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia. He has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), a Master’s degree in Public Administration in the Interuniversity Programme for Government and Public Administration (ESADE, UAB and UPF) and a Diploma in European Affairs from the Diplomatic School of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Catalan Pro-Europe Board, of which he was director. He has been a member of the Board of Governors and Academic Council of the Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (University Institute for European Studies) and was President of the Col·legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya (College of Environmentalists of Catalonia).
Arnau Queralt i Bassa
Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia
Marina Markovic has worked as a consultant in the environmental field for almost 20 years and holds a Master's degree in Environmental Science (Environmental Economics). She has been involved in various projects implemented by the UNEP MAP system since 2014, allowing her to gain a good understanding of the policy framework of the Barcelona Convention as well as the main environmental issues and challenges in the Mediterranean. The main projects included the preparation of updated National Action Plans (NAPs) to reduce pollution from land-based sources, where she assisted the Contracting Parties in developing and applying appropriate forms of economic analysis in the NAP program of measures to achieve good environmental status for pollution-related ecological objectives. In 2017-2018, she worked on the preparation of the GEF/UN Environment project for the Mediterranean Sea (MedProgramme) - Child 1.1 to reduce pollution from chemicals and waste in sensitive areas of the Mediterranean and measure progress on impacts, including the preparation of updated transboundary diagnostics. Her specific country experiences in the Mediterranean include Algeria, the Balkan countries, Lebanon, Tunisia and Turkey.
Marina Markovic
Silvia Pariente-David is a foresight expert and consultant in energy and sustainable development. She advises several international organisations - including the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) and the World Bank - and major companies in the field of energy and climate change. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the NGO GERES and one of the authors of the energy chapter of the MAR1 report of the Mediterranean expert network on climate and environmental change (MedECC). In addition, she was a judge of the MIT ClimateCoLab competition. Her main activities concern the integration of renewable energies in power systems, the economic analysis of interconnection projects and the creation of the Mediterranean energy market. Her experience covers forecasting, forward studies , scenario development, public policy analysis in energy and climate, and strategic planning for energy companies, in particular through interdisciplinary workshops. Prior to joining the World Bank, she was a partner at the PA Consulting Group where, among other things, she prepared the diversification and renewable energy strategy of major energy companies and participated in the implementation and evaluation of climate policies in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Previously, she managed an energy forecasting service and conducted numerous prospective studies for large companies and governments. She holds a PhD in operations research from MIT and an engineering degree from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble/ENSIMAG.
Cécile Roddier-Quefelec represents the European Environment Agency, where she works on biodiversity and ecosystem assessments. She also coordinates the Euro-Mediterranean activities at the EEA. She took part in the 2005 Blue Plan foresight report when she was in charge of the Blue Plan, as well as in the MERMED exercise.
Cécile Roddier-Quefelec
European Environment Angecy (EEA)
Julien Le Tellier was Programme Management Officer in charge of socio-economic affairs at the UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan - Barcelona Convention Secretariat in Athens, Greece, between 2017-2022. His activities aim at supporting the implementation and follow-up of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD). This position follows his long engagement in the work of the MAP - Barcelona Convention system at the Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre in Marseille, France, where he worked for 8 years as Sustainable Development Programme Officer. He is currently the Economics Affairs Officer at ESCWA (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia) in Lebanon. Julien Le Tellier holds a PhD (2006) from Aix-Marseille University, France, and a post-PhD (2007) in Rabat, Morocco, in Geography and Urban Planning.
Christophe Le Visage is a hydrographic engineer and oceanographer by training, specialised for about twenty years in the elaboration of coastal and maritime strategies and their implementation (ICZM, MSP), first within a national administration and then as an independent expert ('Sea and Coastal Strategies'). He has been working for ten years mainly in the Mediterranean, notably for European programs (IMP, blue economy), and in collaboration with regional organisations. He has experience in foresight: contributions to participative foresight studies, in groups of experts or independently, upstream of national or local policies and strategies (e.g. in the West Mediterranean area). He also developed a global vision of maritime and coastal issues and the blue economy and a good knowledge of integrated approaches, integrated governance issues and communication to decision makers.
Christophe LE VISAGE
Stratégies Mer et Littoral